Sunday, November 25, 2012


Ya Allah , secara sedar atau tidak , kita dah di penghujung tahun 2012 kann ..
Banyak lagi azam tahun ni yang belum terlaksana . Subhanallah .
Harini 25 November 2012 ..
Esok , 26 november .. and I will sit for my chemistry paper tomorrow
Then 27 , paper biology .
Yeaa , I should be happy , but 2012 is very meaningful to me :'(
* aina , cut it off , readers tak suka tengok kau menggedik okay ? * haha
Too much event planned  for December .
Hmm , semalam pergi Johor Bahru ( balik kampung ) , ambil coat untuk ayah
but ayah was at Kuantan to attend his friend's daughter wedding .
So , on my way back to Kota Tinggi , Ibu asked me whether should we
sent the coat to the dobby ? and I was f*cking exciting .
I asked my mum to send it at Doby Al - **** . His ( my crush ) mother's dobby .
okay then our mum I repeat OUR MUM , chat for quite long .. then I pun keluarla
dari kereta , sebab lama sangat kan berbual .. then mak dia cakap
' eh dah besar dah dia ' with a big smile .. and I'm just smiling at her mum
Only Allah know how happy I am at that time ..

Dear crush ,